An impromptu meeting in Steyning was called by the Arundel and South Downs MP on Friday afternoon (26th) so that he could hear directly from residents who are against plans to build 265 new houses on a green field located off Kings Barn Lane.
Around 80 residents turned up to hear from Andrew Griffith and to share their shock and dismay about the housing plans, declaring the fields as flood prone and rich in biodiversity. Traffic access onto the A283 and the strain on local facilities, such as the GPs, were other reasons given by residents in their objections.
Andrew Griffith shared his deep concern that rural parts of West Sussex are increasingly on the frontline of all new development in the country. This, he said, is a tractable problem if residents and their elected representatives can work together to help to defend farmland and green fields from unnecessary development.
District councils are a separate tier of elected government for planning decisions, and the MP has encouraged residents to make their view known to Horsham District Council.
The proposal to build on Glebe Farm has also been included in the Draft Horsham Local Plan which went out for public consultation earlier this year.
Andrew Griffith once again stated that he is “unequivocally against” the site being developed and vowed to keep up the fight alongside residents who oppose it.
Andrew Griffith said:
“This was an excellent example of residents rallying together to protect a part of their village from unwanted, unnecessary and unsustainable development. It should not be the case that planning authorities waive through developer-led proposals when there are already neighbourhood plans in place which plan for sustainable development.”
See Andrew’s news release of 12th April -