Our campaign against the Glebe Farm Development

I am 100% opposed to the proposed housing allocation for Steyning which is in the Lib Dem run Horsham District Council local plan.  This is the wrong type of development in the wrong place.  This speculative application to build at least 265 houses on land at Glebe Farm, off Kings Barn Lane, is now included IN the Draft Horsham District Local Plan.

It is disappointing to know that this site was voted for by Steyning’s current Green Party District Councillors (though it had always been opposed by their Conservative predecessors) and was even rejected as a potential site because it was classed as not-developable (SHELAA Housing Land Assessment,).  This site was never even in Steyning’s neighbourhood plan.

There is no evidence at all that this site is supported by Steyning residents. They are far from being ‘NIMBYs’ and there are better development sites – such as the former Steyning Grammar School site – in Steyning which are ‘brownfield’ and would attract local support if redeveloped well.

History teaches us two things. First, if this site is developed it is likely to open the door to even more development on adjacent sites to the north of the A283 – potentially thousands of additional homes. Second, these are unlikely to be genuinely affordable homes for genuinely local people. What a developer and the planners deem ‘affordable’ just means a discount to a market price that only looks attractive to buyers from Brighton or London.

The lane floods regularly, the field is rich in bio-diversity and natural habitats, it proposes vehicular access onto the busy A283, and such a huge increase in residents (an 11% growth for Steyning!) would certainly overwhelm local facilities.

I will support residents who are opposed to this application and I hope that the following information is helpful so that you can share your views as widely as possible. 

** NEW  **  I have submitted my own response to the planning application, a copy of which is below.

What can you do?

1. Sign my petition - https://www.andrewgriffith.uk/kings-barn-lane-development-have-your-say


2. Join your local campaign group who are meeting on 15th May at 7pm.  See their Facebook page Glebe Farm Steyning Objection.  Email: glebefarmplan@gmail.com.


3. Add your comments to the planning portal on Horsham District Council’s website


Click on ‘View and comment on planning applications’

Type in the planning application reference – DC/21/2233


4. Write to your Steyning District Councillors:

5. Write to the Leader of Horsham District Council:

6. Write to your West Sussex County Councillor:

7. Write to your Steyning Parish Council:


8. Write to the following groups and organisations to ask them for their support:

The Steyning Society - https://steyningsociety.org.uk/contacts-and-grants/

CPRE Sussex - http://www.cpresussex.org.uk/ - Email: info@cpresussex.org.uk 

The Sussex Wildlife Trust - Email: enquiries@sussexwt.org.uk

Greening Steyning - https://greeningsteyning.org/contact/

Ouse & Adur Rivers Trust - https://oart.org.uk/contact-us/

Steyning Downland Scheme - https://steyningdownland.org/

The Knepp Estate (rewilding projects) - Email: safaris@knepp.co.uk


9. ** NEW ** List of bird species recorded at Glebe Farm

Storks  -   Grey wagtail  -  Green Woodpecker  -  Bull Finch  -  Chaffinch  -  Sparrow Hawk  - Goshawk  -  Kestrel  - Peregrine Falcon  -  Cettis Warbler  -  Jackdaws  -  Storks (from Knepp Estate?) -  Green Finches  -  Red Kite  -  Buzzard




Andrew Griffith MP meets Steyning residents against Horsham District plan

An impromptu meeting in Steyning was called by the Arundel and South Downs MP on Friday afternoon (26th) so that he could hear directly from residents who are against plans to build 265 new houses on a green field located off Kings Barn Lane. Around 80 residents turned up to hear from Andrew Griffi